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Building a Sustainable Business business project integration management resource management Oct 23, 2022

There are a number of reasons why people start green businesses. Some people want to make a difference in their community. Others want to help the environment. Still, others want to make money and have fun at the same time. Regardless of your reason, many benefits come with starting a sustainable business.

As we move towards being more environmentally responsible, more and more consumers will...

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How to Design Effective Project Meetings people project integration management resource management schedule management technical Oct 16, 2022

Various types of meetings can be essential tools for managing projects and solving problems. They allow you to bring together the right people at the right time to share ideas, build consensus, and make decisions. But if you're not careful about how your meetings are designed, they can waste everyone's time.

You can’t just wing it when running effective project meetings. It’s vital...

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5 Ways to Make Your Project Stress Free people project integration management Oct 09, 2022

We've all been there: the project that seems like it will never end. No matter how much time you have or how much support you have from your team, sometimes it feels like you're stuck in an endless cycle of confusion, stress, and fatigue. Here are five ways to make sure your project doesn't become one of those nightmares:

Make a master plan.

A master plan is a list of all the tasks you need to...

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How to Manage Difficult Stakeholders people stakeholder management technical Oct 02, 2022

Nearly every workplace has its share of challenging and difficult to manage stakeholders. The trick is to know how to approach and manage these people without letting them get the best of you. When you can do that, the entire team will also be better off!

A challenging stakeholder is anyone who is difficult to work with and who regularly or occasionally makes your life difficult. They can be...

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How To Survive Your First Years As A Project Manager people project integration management resource management technical Sep 25, 2022

Project management is one of the most critical roles in any organization. It takes a special kind of person to lead successful projects and teams. At the end of the day, you can do anything but not everything. Project management might seem a bit overwhelming initially, but don't let anything intimidate you. Keep growing daily, learn from your mistakes, and never stop learning. If you're just...

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5 Tips for Managing Multiple Projects project integration management technical Sep 18, 2022

Managing multiple projects can be challenging and even overwhelming at times. However, with the right tools and strategies, you can organize your workflow to make it easier to handle multiple tasks. Focusing on what you can control and prioritizing the essential tasks is critical. Communicate effectively with your team about what's going on with each project and get them involved. With this in...

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How to Analyze Project Success project integration management technical Sep 11, 2022

When evaluating project success, there's nothing like data. But before analyzing project data and determining actionable insights, first define what success means for the project. To define success and analyze the project, follow these six steps:

Define your goals. Defining project goals and objectives is a crucial step to success. If you don't know where you are going, it will be nearly...

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How To Build the Best Freelancer Team people resource management Sep 04, 2022

The best freelance teams are built by mentorship, experience, and skills. When building a freelancer team, it is important to set cultural expectations that will allow your team to thrive. This article can help you learn the best practices to begin on the right foot and avoid pitfalls that could send your freelancing team member running.

What Types of Freelancers Are Ideal for Remote Work


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4 Tips to Improve Project Monitoring people project integration management technical Aug 28, 2022

A good project monitoring strategy is the key to project success. It ensures that the team stays on track and that you follow through with planned activities. To develop this strategy, here are four tips to consider:

Look at the big picture. When looking at a project, it's easy to think that the only thing that matters is whether or not the team has completed assigned tasks. But if you want a...

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How to Move Your Business With as Few Hurdles as Possible business people resource management Aug 21, 2022

[Note: Today, Brittany Fisher of Financially Well offers tips on managing your move, even if it means going across state lines.]

Just a few decades ago, it wasn't uncommon to stay in a part of town you hated because your business was there. But, today, there's no reason that you can't upend your entire world and stay just as successful as ever. The internet has made it possible to plan ahead...

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