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10 Forms of Agile Waste to Avoid project integration management Nov 22, 2020

"We've got three R's we're going to talk about today
We've got to learn to
Reduce, reuse, recycle"

- Jack Johnson

While often thought of as a "lean" process, agile projects can be full of waste. This waste can lead to increased project time and cost, lower productivity, and a failure to deliver the value customers may be expecting.

The agile project manager must learn to manage and control the...

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Fine Tune User Stories with MoSCoW scope management Nov 15, 2020

By nature, agile requirements are considered "lighter." With requirements often taking the form of user stories recorded in a product backlog, some requirements may become obsolete as the project progresses.

To avoid the waste of implementing unnecessary or lower priority requirements, prioritization by the business owner is critical.  One aid that helps the business owner think things...

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4 Critical Agile Events project integration management Nov 08, 2020

Most agile projects rely on iterations; typically three week periods sometimes referred to as sprints.  Each sprint incorporates four agile events, formerly referred to as ceremonies, that help keep the project on track.  One event is scheduled daily, and the remainder is at the end of each sprint.  These events are:

  • Daily stand-up meeting: Every day, the full team (facilitator,...
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3 Must Have Metrics for Agile Projects scope management Nov 01, 2020

All projects generate vast amounts of data beyond regular items, such as retrospectives and lessons learned.  As the project progresses, the project manager needs to collect, index, and perhaps even diarize it for current and future use.

Project data and documents contain information such as:

  • Changes to the product backlog for agile projects, change requests for predictive
  • Performance of...
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Definition of Done scope management Oct 25, 2020

An important concept for agile projects is the “definition of done.” The team must discuss and understand this concept in terms of the specific project at hand before the first iteration.  Without this understanding, the ability to deliver value will be both difficult and chaotic. 

There are two overarching concepts which are ingredients in the definition:

  • Requirements:...
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6 Tips to Adapt to the Agile Environment project integration management Oct 18, 2020

As an agile project manager, you will need to change your mindset to succeed.  Your role and your team and stakeholders' roles will be different from what they would be in predictive (waterfall) projects.  How you manage will need to be different too.

Here are 6 tips to help you adjust:

  1. Agile teams are largely self-organizing, so you will no longer drive the work and monitor the...
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Introducing Siwan Sero, Accidental Agile Project Manager #accidentalagilepm #accidentalpm #agileprojectmanagement Oct 14, 2020

Introducing Siwan Sero, an accidental agile project manager who crushes her agile project assignment to become a project hero.

Excited to receive the proof copies today! Reviewed it and final author copies (with the non-proof cover) will be arriving soon. Watch for more updates soon about our virtual launch event on Wednesday, 4 November at 10am Pacific.

#accidentalpm #accidentalagilepm ...

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5 Project Development Life Cycles project integration management Oct 11, 2020

In any project, there are four primary development life cycles. A fifth, hybrid, is any combination of these four.  These are for the phases of the projects which produce the product, service, or other results.

This chart breaks them down by the uses and attributes of the project activities and deliveries:

 Project Development Life Cycles Table

The critical difference is that agile projects produce deliverables over...

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Do Small Projects Need Project Managers? project integration management Oct 04, 2020

Organizations face the temptation to call everything a project. Then, they apply a project manager and a lot of overhead to manage them. So while the formal definition of a project includes "temporary" and "produces a unique result," smart managers apply some additional rules.  These may consist of complexity, the budget amount,  team size, or a combination to determine if an actual...

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The Time Frame for Total Project Completion schedule management Sep 27, 2020

I was recently asked, "What is the time frame for total project completion?" The time frame for total project completion is when all project work is done and all project resources, including the project manager, can be released.  Total project completion should include the tested product, service, or other results that meet all client needs and expectations.  This time frame is a...

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