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Get Your Listening Skills in GEAR! communications management Mar 21, 2021

It's been said that project managers spend 90% of their time communicating.  This isn't just talking.  It's about communicating in many different forms, such as reports, presentations, meetings with groups and individuals, emails, social media posts, and more.

So to start, let's look at what communication is through a relatively simple model. Communications involve a sender and a...

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Communicate, Communicate, Communicate communications management Sep 13, 2020

A question I sometimes need to field is “what are the top 5 critical communication skills a Project Manager must possess to be successful?”.  There are more than 5 skills that revolve around communications, so the choice is a difficult one.

Then the proverbial light bulb went off! I decided my answer to this challenge involves looking for the “lowest common...

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5 Tips to Improve Executive Presentations communications management Aug 02, 2020

Before the era of PowerPoint, presentations were given with flip charts. A vice president of a prominent fortune 100 company was providing a quarterly sales update presentation to the CEO, the senior executives, and the Board.  Unfortunately, this VP was reading the flip charts.  After a few moments, the CEO leaned forward and declared, "I can read!  When I say 'flip,' flip to...

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5 Critical Elements for More Effective Project Management communications management project integration management resource management scope management Jul 12, 2020

Julia couldn't be more frustrated! There were less than three months to finish the project, and yet everything was going wrong. And to top it all, the budget to complete the work was nearly exhausted.

Julia's problem boils down to ineffective project management. She may have failed to complete the steps necessary to prepare for project success.  She may have also failed to create a proper...

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5 Tips for Improving Delivery of Bad News communications management resource management Apr 19, 2020

Project managers need to be able to calmly and professionally deliver bad news, when it happens, ranging from missed budgets and deadlines to team layoffs. Here are five tips for improving the delivery of bad news.

  1. Don't surprise, delay, or hide it. Deliver the news promptly. Make an appointment and set the agenda for a face-to-face meeting, if at all possible.
  2. Be prepared. Don't wing it or...
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5 Leadership Competencies Needed for Times of Project Crisis communications management risk management Jan 19, 2020

When issues escalate into crises, these five leadership competencies are essential for project leaders to both weather the immediate storm and confidently move toward the future. It is difficult to recover when both being blamed for the crisis and taking the wrong management steps.

  1. Build an environment of trust. Given the importance of trust, this should already be in place and continued in a...
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5 Tips for Improving Project Communications communications management Oct 20, 2019

Studies have shown that roughly 20% of projects fail due to poor communications. Whether you are discussing risk management or just having a meeting, having strong communication skills is critical for project managers. Here are 5 tips for improving those skills:

  1. Know your audience. Do a thorough stakeholder analysis to understand communications needs and preferences.
  2. Develop a formal...
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Take Your Meetings From Good to GREAT communications management Aug 18, 2019

They say that 90% of project work is about communications in some form. Others have estimated that meetings can take up around 50% of project communications time. So, make a commitment to follow these five steps to take your meetings from good to GREAT:

Goals: Pre-plan the meeting and determine what goals must be met to achieve meeting success.

Right people: Determine the right set of people to...

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6 Reasons to Delegate More communications management resource management Jul 21, 2019

Project managers often have a tendency to "jump in" and do project work. Here are six reasons why you need to resist and delegate more:

  1. Your full-time job is managing the project - don't let other tasks get in the way
  2. Delegation is an opportunity for face-to-face communication with team members
  3. Delegated work is a growth opportunity for team members
  4. Delegation is a tool for reducing or...
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Timing of Status Information Counts communications management Jun 30, 2019

In general, I recommend checking in on project status no less than once a week. If you wait longer, say two weeks, by the time you find out an issue, get it solved, confirm the solution, and make sure things are on track, you can lose up to six weeks. Serious issues may require more frequent meetings than weekly so you can stay on top of the solution. The key is both flexibility and good...

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