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5 Best MS Project Tips schedule management technical Nov 27, 2022

As someone that has used MS Project for over 20 years, I've learned a thing or two about how to make MS Project work better. Here are five tips I hope will ensure more project success.

Establish a baseline. A baseline is a copy of your initial schedule, and you don't want to lose track of it. Once project execution begins, set your baseline. MS Project has a lot of fancy capabilities built into...

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How to Design Effective Project Meetings people project integration management resource management schedule management technical Oct 16, 2022

Various types of meetings can be essential tools for managing projects and solving problems. They allow you to bring together the right people at the right time to share ideas, build consensus, and make decisions. But if you're not careful about how your meetings are designed, they can waste everyone's time.

You can’t just wing it when running effective project meetings. It’s vital...

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What to Do When Everything is Urgent schedule management technical Jun 26, 2022

There's nothing more daunting than a long list of urgent tasks.  When everything is urgent, it's hard to know where to start.  So here are four tips for taming your to-do list when everything is or at least seems to be urgent.

Eliminate or postpone those you can.  It's easy to feel overwhelmed by competing demands.  This is especially true if you are in a role where you have...

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PERT and FPA Estimates - Not Just for Schedules or Software Development cost management schedule management technical Jun 19, 2022

Despite many internet articles to the contrary, PERT (Program Evaluation Review Technique) and FPA (Function Point Analysis) estimates can be valuable for many projects outside of software-related industries and not just for scheduling.

PERT estimates are a part of a more extensive system and was designed to focus on schedules.  Its benefit is that it mathematically provides everything an...

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10 Tips to Fine Tune Your Microsoft Project Schedules schedule management technical May 30, 2021

Most project scheduling tools, such as MS Project, Primavera, and Project Libre, do not encourage essential project management best practices. Their outputs are also tricky to print and read, even with a large format printer, unless care is taken in formatting. As a result, you may find you have plans with unintended consequences.

While these products were not designed entirely by professional...

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6 Tips for Improved Agile Scheduling schedule management Jan 24, 2021

The definition of a project includes having a start and an end date, making a project a temporary endeavor.  Even though more flexibility is required for agile projects, senior management may still have an expectation of some form of high level schedule so other projects in the organization can be planned.

This means that in addition to getting the best possible requirements up front, you...

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5 Tips for Effective Sprint Planning cost management schedule management scope management Nov 29, 2020

Effective sprint planning is essential for the success of any agile project.  The agile project manager should ensure every iteration delivers the highest possible value to customers to stay true to agile values.  Without effective planning, the team will not start the sprint with a shared understanding of the work.  As a result, the team may defer user stories' implementation...

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The Time Frame for Total Project Completion schedule management Sep 27, 2020

I was recently asked, "What is the time frame for total project completion?" The time frame for total project completion is when all project work is done and all project resources, including the project manager, can be released.  Total project completion should include the tested product, service, or other results that meet all client needs and expectations.  This time frame is a...

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8 Time Management Tips for Project Managers project integration management schedule management Aug 16, 2020

Project management can be a demanding role.  Use these time management tips to manage time more effectively, from day-to-day and month-to-month.

  1. Know When You are Most Productive. The first step in effectively managing time is to know when you are the most productive.  This time is when you feel more energized and creative.  Are you a morning or afternoon person? This time is...
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5 Tips to Avoid Common Scheduling Issues schedule management Jul 26, 2020

One of the most challenging tasks for project managers is creating a schedule. Any number of dependencies need consideration – logical progressions of work, resource availability, client or sponsor delivery demands, team preferences, and more.  Here are five tips for getting the best possible schedule:

  1. Have enough milestones. What gets measured is what gets done. Be sure to include...
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